Saturday, October 25, 2014

I really do enjoy being home.

Having my parents around eases my stress levels, and honestly just being away from Bing also helps.  I still am finding my emotion levels have been stunted; I have the Streetlight concert tonight and while I know I am excited to go and it is going to be fucking awesome, I don't feel the over-joyous anticipation that I wanted to.  Maybe it is still too early?  Maybe it will come when I am actually there?  Maybe it won't hit until Streetlight actually comes on stage and I hear the first note of their opening song.

Nancy suggested to me that maybe I should think about taking off on Monday, so I should return to school that afternoon rather than tomorrow.  I'm still debating that.  I am one of the writers this week in terms of reaction papers so I should really go.  But she is right in that maybe a bit more than a weekend (in which I am frantically trying to finish readings before I leave for concert, and then I'll need to finish the paper before 5 tomorrow) would help me with stress.

Meh, I'm still thinking.

What is kind of cool is that since I got all my meds back, I feel like I've been able to concentrate a bit more.  The bupropion has been helping with that, I think, more than the sertraline.  I still haven't gotten the anti-anxiety stuff, which I should go do and try it before I have to see my doctor again.  Hopefully that will help also.    

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