Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bra sizes

So my bras have been hurting me for some time now and I started wondering if I was wearing the wrong size bra after seeing some posts on tumblr about how to accurately measure bra size.

According to my calculations, I should be a 34D, not a 34B like what I have always thought.


I kind of can't believe that, and I keep thinking I did something wrong, but it might be a good idea to go try some new ones on, because the ones I have are sometimes just super painful all around.

Still writing my paper and I have barely any idea what I'm doing anymore.  I feel like I'm trying to combine a whole mess of different literatures and it is starting to turn my brain into mush.  Or just the fact that I'm rewriting again and need to have it done and polished by Friday is freaking me out and messing me up.

I need to tell myself that it is okay if I don't do much classwork this week.  I need to focus on this paper, and if I need all week to work on it so that I am at least a little bit happy with it by Friday, then that is what I should do.

Also I got Smash 4 and I am so fucking rusty it is awful.  I need to practice and shit.  Right now I'm sticking with Marth (I'll probably also fool around with Lucina since she is a clone of him), but I hear Robin is pretty boss, so I might try him/her out also.

I'll probably stick with Marth in the end though.  He's been my dude since Melee and I am attached.  Plus it helps that he is still good (even if he was nerfed a little bit since Brawl...though it doesn't seem like much so far; the change in sword length is what is throwing me off most of all so far).  

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