Sunday, October 26, 2014

Streetlight was, as always, amazing.  I did stay in front for a while but I did also decide to go further back towards the mosh pit and stuff and it was well worth it.  I took some videos and pictures and I was able to snag a limited edition poster from that evening (even though I really don't need yet another poster from them...except oh wait yes I do).

I am a bit concerned about something: there was a guy I kept running into on the floor and to me he was like...super fucking attractive and it didn't take me long to realize that he looked similar to the ex, when his hair was longer.  And that made me a bit mad at myself.

I dunno maybe that is just the type I like, or something.

Oh well, I got over it.  Music and fun were still occurring.  Oh!  And theydid play Point/Counterpoint and Keasbey Nights and I was so fucking thrilled about that.  Also recorded it, so it might be up somewhere at some point.

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