Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When I saw one of my professors before to ask him something about my paper and the most recent assignment for his class, he told me that I was "wearing [my] stress on [my] sleeve," and that I should try to relax.  I usually try to not look as stressed as I feel when in front of the professors, but I guess that I'm so crazed right now that it is just kind of intense and I can't.

Luckily, my dad had to do some work on campus and so I got to have breakfast with him (which for me was grilled cheese and fries aww yeah) and then after agility with Callie I get to have dinner with him too!  So that is nice.

Stupidly, I didn't do enough work yesterday but I think this week I'm going to forget everything else and only focus on editing this paper.  I read my articles for comparative, one of which actually gave me some nice things to add into my paper, and then I want to maybe also add in a graph or two or something.

And edit.  My god it needs editing.

I'm hoping that it won't be too bad by Friday.  I can't really tell anymore, to be honest.  It has transformed so much and I just don't know how to view it anymore.

Because I couldn't motivate myself to do anything yesterday, I just played Smash, which is lots of fun.  Unfortunately my internet connection sucks and so when I tried to play online against people I was really laggy, so I just went back to playing classic mode and getting trophies because I find that fun.  When I'm done with that I'll start practicing for real with Marth and Robin (and maybe Rosalina & Luma, they seemed pretty legit when I was playing).

But comps is much more important right now.

Ugh, I'm going to collapse at some point, I just know it.

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