Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sadly, my agility trainer is sick and so class has been cancelled.  Boo.  Callie won't be very happy about that, but she'll get over it.

I'm still a huge mess even though I am trying to appear as anything but.  I really just want to lay down and do nothing for the rest of the fucking week, but I have so much shit I need to get done before Friday.  At least I have Streetlight concert on Saturday to look forward to.  I'll be heading down to my parents' house on Friday and then taking the train into the city; it is way easier than trying to drive into Manhattan and back in one night.

I tend to have daydreams about just leaving.  Without saying a word to anyone.  Just picking up and taking Callie and going somewhere - usually it is London, in my mind - and becoming completely disconnected with the world I know right now.  But I could never actually do that.

Lately I just feel like a terrible person and a horrible student, and everything would be better for everyone if I was gone, or something.

I don't know.

Shit sucks lately.

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