Monday, October 13, 2014

I feel as though my facebook feed has exploded with people getting engaged and married, and I'm just sitting here stressing out over a paper that should be finished already, with the other side of my bed filled with squishables.

While I have zero desire to be married right now, I do get a bit sad and stuff.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have someone around like that.  I mean, I guess I think that a lot, when I am missing the feelings of love and stuff that I once harboured for the ex.  It just gets stronger and/or more noticeable when I see that stuff being thrown in my face, I guess.

I was told that someone in my program did say that if he was going to ask out anyone in the department it would be me, and while I was flattered when I heard...he and I have next to nothing in common outside our field of study, at least from the conversations I've had from him.

(Though in response to that I got a few people then suggesting the good ol' fwb idea, which is starting to look more and more attractive given stress levels and frustration.  ...Then again, knowing me, it wouldn't work.  And of course, it isn't as though I actually have been asked out or anything.)

I have one more small piece of this draft I think and then I should send it out.  But it is a piece that is confusing me, so I might just wait until tomorrow.  Maybe I can do it during class or something because I once again did not do the readings because I have been working on comps.

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