Friday, October 10, 2014

Despite my over-abundance of work, I knew that I needed a day where I just did nothing but fun stuff and catch up on shows I've fallen behind on, so after class and our guest speaker I did pretty much that.  I haven't touched work since I got home, and I think I'm going to keep it this way until tomorrow.  And tomorrow I'll try doing my comps paper at Target again.  It needs a good amount of work done over the weekend, and for some reason my productivity there is usually higher than when I'm at home or even in the office.  It is weird, I know.

Earlier in the day, I was able to talk a bit with a friend from undergrad.  He was my friend, but he was ex's best friend there, so whenever he talks to me I actually get really happy because it means that he saw me and wanted to be friends with me for me and not just because I was ex's girlfriend at the time.  It makes me smile, because I often would worry that any friends I made who were better friends with the ex would just say I was crazy and never want to talk to me again.  But many of the ones I have talked to have agreed that he wasn't good enough for me and have chosen to still talk to me.  Now, I have not spoken with his (perhaps former) best friend about anything; part of me always has this itch to bring it up but I do my best to not scratch it.  It wouldn't make anything better, and it could potentially make things weird and awkward.  Not that I know if he has spoken to the ex since graduation or anything.

The only thing I hinted at was when I said during our convo that I had many regrets about senior year.  That was the closest I've ever come to talking about anything ex-related with him.  I like to just pretend shit never happened, usually.  Like I never knew the ex, almost.

Though it is nice for him to ask me to hit him up whenever I'm in Philly, and we will play video games and do fun stuff if and when we get together.  I'd like that a lot.  He and his girlfriend are a lot of fun.

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