Sunday, October 19, 2014

I got back to Bing not too long ago, and I am of course sad about it.  For some reason I can't shake this idea in my head that my adviser thinks I'm terrible and that I don't do any work or anything and that he would rather me go away and stuff.  And so now I'm all anxious about returning to school tomorrow and having to face him and I kind of just want to stay home all day.

Also Hallowmas tickets sold out before I got one and I'm dumb for not jumping on that earlier.  Maybe I can stubhub one or something like that.

I had fun yesterday with family, but I was still kind of sad/emotionless in reality.  I'm getting back into that mode, it seems.  Or maybe I'm just getting so down on myself that I'm finding little reason to get my hopes up about almost anything.  I've been very much in a "I'm a fucking horrible human being and I suck" mood lately.

Ugh, I hate this.  I'm so fucking awful lately.

Maybe I'll try the anti-anxiety meds today or tomorrow or something.

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