Wednesday, October 15, 2014


After too long without any of my medication, I finally had a visit with my physician today and prescriptions are coming in soon.  Which I think should help me.  I'm hoping they do.  He also gave me some xanax because of my anxiety shit which has been flaring up here and there.  I was told not to take it all the time, but to try it at some point and then if it works, it will really help when I'm freaking out about something.  Hopefully, he said, it will help me through my presentation and all the comps procedures.

Here's hoping.  I'm really tired of feeling the way I do, and yet actively trying to do something to fix it still seems fucking exhausting.  I guess little steps here and there...I'm going to really try to refrain from doing work in bed from now on.  I need to disassociate it with work and stress and everything.

I think I want to start swimming...maybe.  Swimming I know is really good for you, and for some reason that is what has been on my mind lately in terms of something that would be nice to do.  But then again, kickboxing and other stuff like that also sounds good.  Really, something is needed.  Maybe I can schedule swimming or other exercises for certain times in the day, and I commit myself to that no matter what is going on.  I can start with maybe 2 days during the week plus weekends, and increase from there?

That might be a good idea.  

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