Sunday, October 26, 2014

Because I did not get to pick the weeks I wanted to write a reaction paper for in this class, I got stuck with this week, where we are talking about government intervention in the market, which is so far away from my field and I know fucking shit about it in terms of academic literature.  It is frustrating because I now need to write this shit before five which means I need to think of something good enough and ahhhh. 

I did also email my prof asking him if it would be possible for me to skype in on tomorrow's meeting rather than physically being there, because otherwise I won't be able to leave here until really late, and I don't know if I really want to drive that late.  I know I've done it before, but I don't necessarily like to. 

Also I need to shower.  I probably smell.  

Oh well.  Write first. 

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