Monday, October 27, 2014

Sadly, I'm back in Bing.  My professor let me skype into class this morning; I asked him yesterday so that I could come back today in the afternoon rather than yesterday late at night.  He said he liked the idea and that I was thinking outside the box and I kind of really liked hearing that.  It was nice.

What was not nice was roommate B texting and telling me that roommate J finally took kitty to the vet and that she had fleas.  Don't know how many, and don't know for how long, since, you know, he never took her since he brought her home.  So of course I'm kind of annoyed, because that could have easily been prevented, and her main eating place is in the kitchen.  Kinda grossed out.  Then I get angry when roommate B said that the first thought from roommate J was apparently that she got it from the pups.  It just...was frustrating to hear that he would say that; he was basically trying to blame on consequence of his irresponsibility on us.  Meanwhile, I bathe Callie regularly, and have her professionally cleaned and everything every 1-2 months or so, and since I adopted her she has been receiving monthly flea and tick treatments and has never had any problems.  Elsa, on the other hand, has never been to the vet or gotten treated and spends a lot of time in the basement where, if there would be fleas...that's where they would be, probably.

So hearing this sucks; I came home and had to put this organic powder stuff all over my room to make sure I didn't have anything in there.  Roommate B got the organic stuff because it apparently is okay if the pups eat it.  So at least I don't need to worry about that.  We might bug bomb the place too, but we will need to coordinate to make sure everyone and all the furbabies are out for a few hours.


Ever since concert and that stupid guy that I was stupidly attracted to, stupid things have been on my mind.

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