Monday, December 9, 2013

When I woke up this morning I really was not feeling too well.  I had trouble falling asleep the night before so when 8:00 hit the last thing I wanted to do was wake up right then and there.  So I decided to hit the snooze button, expecting to wake up for real in a half hour.  I guess I must have turned off my alarm later in my sleep, since I then did not wake up until 10:20.  The worst part is that I looked at my phone and saw the time and did not immediately realize where I was supposed to be.  I was confused and had trouble remembering what it was I was supposed to be doing, but knew that I was late for something

It then hit me that it was Monday, and that I was supposed to be in class. 

But the bad part is that I did not panic in the way I should have.  I had messages from both my roommates asking me if I was okay, and I read them and just replied asking if they thought it would be weird if I showed up so late.  When they said no, I reluctantly got out of bed and quickly went through my morning routine, including taking Callie out.  Realizing that driving and finding a parking spot an then walking from that spot to the room would take just as much time as just walking to class, I decided to do the latter.  I got there around 11, and during the break apologized to my professor.  He said that it was fine, he was just concerned about me.  

But the lack of panic showed me even more that my apathy has become more extreme.

Later when I got home, I invited friend-formerly-known-as-guy over and he and one of the roommates and I all cooked chicken cutlets and corn and fries and ate at the table like adults.  Friend also brought over crunch bars and we had some of that deliciousness.  It was a super fun time. 

Friend has seemed more...real lately, if that is the right term, and I am enjoying his company more and more. 

I really hate seeing couples.  I really fucking do. 

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