Saturday, December 28, 2013

Callie has been throwing up today and I don't really know why or what to do...if it continues I might need to take her to the vet but last time this was happening it cost a lot and nothing really ended up being wrong so...yeah.  I might want to wait it out for longer.  I'm just worried and all.

Murray has to go home tomorrow and my family is actually really sad about that.  My parents have been calling him their Murray and stuff and they have gotten used to him being here and kind of love him and all, despite that he has had a few accidents here and there.  And Callie will miss her playmate, and I'm sure he will miss her when they have to be separated for a little bit.  But it probably won't be for very long.  Two weeks at most?  Then they will be reunited.

I also haven't been feeling very well physically and it kind of sucks.  I napped for a while all cuddled with the pups after I came back from lunch with friends.

I've been invited to places for New Years but I don't know if I will go to any just because the idea of drunk people surrounding me while I sit there and sip soda isn't as appealing as it once was.  My isolationist tendencies have been kinda flaring up hardcore.  Of course the person I really want to spend New Years with is going back to Wisconsin tomorrow morning, sadly.  The second person I wouldn't mind spending New Years with is a friend in Massachusetts, but he also would be with drunk people and be drunk himself, whereas I'd rather do the quiet hanging out and watching television sort of thing.  I could go out to Danny's in Brooklyn, but he is having a big party with a lot of people and stuff.  So I'm not sure.  I wouldn't mind going up to my sister's but her place is 5 hours away and I don't have a car, since Cornelius stayed in Binghamton.

Maybe I will try to eat something.

Also not all of my packages came for Anisha and that makes me sad.

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