Friday, December 27, 2013


Saw The Hobbit part 2 today with dad an younger sister and holy shit it is incredible and I really enjoy the addition of Tauriel.  She's such a badass.

Also had to take the puppy to get some shots today.  He didn't enjoy it very much but it is for his own good (though despite him not liking it, he was very well behaved)!  Callie came along for the ride because she loves the car and everything and kind of hopped in when we were leaving.

Other than that...kind of just played Dual Destinies and shit is getting real.  I am so excited to uncover truths and Edgeworth came back and eeeee.  I'm such a dork for these games, I really really am.  Also I miiiight wanna cosplay Prosecutor Blackquill for Otakon?  I mean, I still would like to do Teresa from Claymore at some point but...

I MEAN LOOK AT HIM THE MAN IS A HUGE BAMF.  I am in the middle of uncovering his backstory. 

In serious news, talking to friend, who is always really good at helping me and listening to me and stuff.  I told him how, when roommate said that I didn't care, it echoed this sentiment that - when I am a person's main support friend (or only, even) - when I am not completely attentive to him or her, that I am being mean.  That I don't care.  And that shit hurts.  Because I try, even when I cannot talk in detail about things.  I try to show it with other things, with little things that I can do.  Help out with the puppy.  Offer to go out and get food.  Stay in company when working.  Try to cheer people up with silly things because I don't have the time or emotional energy to get into heavy stuff.

I try to show that I care, even if I am drowning in work and stress and sad feelings (or even lack of feelings).  But I suppose I fail at that.  It isn't the first time I've been told that I pretty much suck at comforting people.  And I'm sure it will not be the last.  I try so hard to hide my own shit to help people, and it just does not work.  

It didn't work with the ex.  It doesn't work with the roommate.  It won't work in the future.  

I am just shit at balancing work and my own problems with trying to be a good friend (or girlfriend, in the ex's case).  

I try.  I really do.

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