Wednesday, December 11, 2013


So, roommate got me Cerberus squishable because he wanted to thank me for helping out with the puppy and also because he knows I've been feeling really down and sad and stuff lately (really...he knows that it has been throughout the semester).  I'm really grateful and eeeee Cerberus is so cute I can't even. 

We talked about some things, and I conveyed more of the story of the ex and I, explaining more things in greater detail and all.  When I finished, he hugged me and said he wished he could take all that pain away from me, and that he could understand why and how I'm not exactly completely over it all.  That it must have been difficult for me to have to deal with all the lying and the being led on and the inconsistent stories and the changed character and everything.  I really appreciated that. 

I need to grade papers and I really have no desire to.  

Also, look at my hand.

That is from my skin cracking on its own.  This always happens in winter.  My hands get really really dry and cracked and it starts to hurt, actually.  I usually don't like lotion but my knuckles are kind of burning and everything.  

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