Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Christmas was filled with pups, chips and dip, lazing and marathoning tv shows on Netflix with the fam, and prime rib deliciousness.  In other words, it was spectacular.

Anisha came by late, and although I love her visits, however short they are, I really wish I could just have her for longer than one hour when we are both home.  Her family kind of keeps her to themselves, and while I on some level could understand why, part of me just pouts, and thinks - as I told her - that I am her family too.  And I want to spend more time with her.  I really do.  Either just lazing and watching Hell's Kitchen or going to get noms at probably Applebees and then doing something else...I just want to hang out with her for longer than the allotted time her family seems to tolerate.

I kind of want to pout and stomp my feet and be all "this isn't faiiiiir" at them, aha.

Sleepy sleepy, otherwise I would write more.

Part of me wonders if I should eventually respond.  Or should I just let it be...

"He needs to get and stay out of your life."

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