Saturday, December 14, 2013

So I was able to construct a game for Game Theory.  Originally it was 32 x 32 x 2, but I was able to reduce it to a 8 x 16 x 2.  It is still kind of big and annoying, but at the same is based around the Hunger Games, so I am kind of into it, in a way.  I will be even more into it once I realize I solved it the way I want to and all and am able to write out the assumptions and the story.  Really, I would like to finish this tonight if I can, so tomorrow I could just start on my IR paper...

Drove through a blizzard to get to a party one of the professors was hosting.  And then I stupidly left murse there.  Oops.  

Though when I was there, I felt awkward and unsocial for the most part.  I tried to change it a bit but I just kind of was.  I did have fun with some of the first years though.  

I can't tell if I want something from someone.  Like.  Romantically.  Or whatnot.  I don't know.  

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