Sunday, December 8, 2013

So last night and today were filled with feels-related convos and Ace Attorney and things.

Last night friend-formerly-known-as-guy came over and brought me ice cream and hung out with me and talked with me about things.  I explained things to him about the extent of my apathy and he was able to fill in blanks that I was a bit hesitant to discuss.  He did tell me that if certain things were hinted at, or if I started doing things that scared him, he would tell someone.  Because he doesn't want anything to happen to me.  And he doesn't want me to hurt myself.

He told me some things about his past and opened up more to me, and I really appreciated it.

He told me that he would really miss me if I were gone.  And that was really nice to hear.

And then today I had talks with my roommate and opened up more to him about how I have been feeling in terms of the ex and my family and school and how it is difficult for me to care about much of anything.  He did say that it seemed like I was doing really well despite feeling that way, and I replied that it is because that is what is expected of me, essentially.

He then told me that my ex is "obviously stupid" because he left me and then manipulated me in the way that he did.  He said I am awesome and basically that the ex didn't deserve me and the love I gave and had for him.  That the ex was stupid for letting me go.

Then, when I told him my fear about people leaving me the way the ex did and that that is partially the reason I have been isolating myself from people, he said that he wasn't going anywhere.  He also said I should have more faith in myself, especially because everyone else does.  And gave me hugs and let me cry a little.  Which actually felt good, considering I have been having trouble conjuring enough emotion lately to do that, despite knowing that it would be beneficial for me to let things out and stuff.

We then spent the day together, playing Ace Attorney and going to Applebee's and watching Sunny and then going to see Catching Fire again (which I might be using for my final game theory project).

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