Thursday, December 5, 2013

At first I thought Callie just kind of matured with the addition of a new puppy in the house, but part of me is starting to think that she is actually depressed because of it.  She might just be thinking that maybe she isn't as loved or doesn't have as much attention or something.  Originally I thought that maybe she would really love having another doggie in the house, but she hasn't had nearly as much energy and has not been nearly as playful as usual.  And she hasn't been eating as much and she's been sleeping a whole lot.  I mean, she does at least still play with the puppy, but sometimes it seems more of a "I guess I have to" more than really wanting to.

I'll take her out for a walk now I think.  Just the two of us.  I've been taking the puppy too but it might be good for it to just be us two.

Wah.  Kinda bummed.

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