Monday, December 2, 2013


Got back to Binghamton around 8:15 and didn't really do much the rest of the day.  I need to remind myself to submit a poster proposal for Midwest today, since today is the deadline.  I meant to do it over the break but I definitely forgot and spaced and did not think about it at all.  Oops.  But I figure it really is not going to be too difficult to do.  Maybe.  At least that is my hope.  The good thing is that since I pretty much got the work I needed to get done for this week all finished, I have time to submit it tomorrow at a reasonable time.

I'm really not all too happy to be back, and I'm dreading having to go into the office tomorrow, honestly.

I was thinking about a playlist to describe my life in the past two/three years, because I'm a loser and think about things like this.  I might put it up at some point, if I figure it out and want to do something with it.  I don't really know why, I just thought maybe it would be...interesting.  Maybe not.  Maybe I'm just being stupid and stuff.  Which wouldn't be surprising at all.

Part of me was wondering if it would be smart to tell some people about my inner fantasies and stuff.  But like...on facebook, which I know might not be as genuine as a face-to-face conversation, but I am really scared to do that.  I don't know.

I probably won't, but I had a dream about it, so it has been on my mind.

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