Sunday, December 29, 2013

Friend and I were going back and forth with Archer references and Sunny references and it was too much fun.  Plus we both discussed our sucky New Year's plans and how we wished we were closer so we could hang out or something.  Then, there are nascent plans to meet somewhere in Connecticut, since I could easily take the ferry over and he lives in Massachusetts, so it seems like the best middle place to meet and hang.

I'd like that.  It'd be a lot of fun.

I also wish to play D3 with him.  But he said he wanted to go through it solo first, which is understandable.  I still have plenty of games I have not played that can distract me.  I have the DLC case for Dual Destinies that I would like to get, and then Fire Emblem Awakening to start.  I did stupidly forget my 360 games, but that's okay.  I have plenty for 3DS to get on.

Callie still has been sick.  I hope she will feel better tomorrow.

Also I did something dumb but what else is new?  Eh.  I don't feel like really writing about it right now though.

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