Monday, September 15, 2014

You know, when some grad students meet with external reviewers and all basically say how perfect everything is when in reality they all complain about can be annoying.  I was one of the few who tried to tell the truth, saying some good things but also some things that I thought needed to be improved on and things that could be done better.  I felt like I was getting looks from people but...oh well.

Watched The Winter Soldier upon finally getting home, which was great because I've been in the mood to watch that for at least two weeks now.

College roommate got an apartment and moving day is this weekend.  So, we had to reschedule our hanging out time; now she's planning on coming here the first weekend in October.  That is also the weekend of the wine tour, so maybe I'll decide to go and bring her, but at the same time I'm not sure if I want to spend all day with the department when roommates are not going.

I am a bit sad but I'll get over it.  I would rather her move into her place and get everything in and stuff and not have to worry about that rather than rush to try and get here and then worrying about getting everything set up.

I feel weird right now.  I know I say that a lot, but it is just...weird.  I'm this mixture of feeling empty and blank and unsatisfied, and yet at the same I feel kind of okay?  Maybe I've just gotten used to those bad feelings.  Really, I'm not sure anymore.

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