Sunday, September 14, 2014

I finally finished my draft of my FISC paper (though I kind of crapped out at the end; I basically just copy and pasted the conclusion I had already written).  And so now I am off to doggie park because I think being outside will help me a little and also because roommate has been super helpful with Callie as I've been sicky and laying in bed and worrying about stuff.

And it is nice out, so I think they would enjoy it.  They've both been cooped up all day because everyone is working.

I think just being outside and around puppers always helps my mood also.  And since stupid ex has still been in my stupid head (idk maybe because it is his birthday soon or something, or just because I am sad and lonely and shit and he is who my mind just automatically gravitates towards because I'm a looooser), I think a dose of playing pups is kind of what I need right now.

Also the weather has been awesome because it finally hasn't been super hot and this pleases me so goddamn much because heat is lame.  I'm all about the colder weather, so I embrace this while others tend to be sad about it.

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