Monday, September 8, 2014

Right now I feel like every Menzinger's song that comes on from their newest album resonates with me on a super personal level.  I probably shouldn't be listening to them while trying to work in the office, should I?

Also I am starting to freak out more and more about this theory for my comps paper.  I want to introduce a bunch of different elements, it seems, but I am having trouble trying to put them all together in a way that makes sense organizationally.  Oversight-minimization, criticism-avoidance, issue-linkages, and maybe some other stuff.  I'm trying to see if I can basically make the first two equivalent...ish.  Even though I don't think they are.

And I want to tie things in to another theory that is similar but I'm having trouble on figuring out exactly where I want to put that.


why do I suck at everything why can't I just do this shit with no problem like other people.

Also I'm lonely today.

Just sad and stuff and wishing I had someone.  I could use the comfort, since the high I had during vacation has been plummeting ever since classes restarted.

Doing what I did last night was a mistake.  Took a few steps back.

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