Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Classes begin tomorrow, and so my fun ends here.  Really, I need to start focusing on work, and luckily being in the 'need to go to campus' environment will help me actually do that.  And my plan for this semester is to focus less on classwork and more on my own papers and research.  Granted, that might fall through due to how I tend to be in terms of work, but for now that is the plan.  The first thing I really need to do is my comps paper.  I have been saying that I need to do that the whole summer now, but again, having to go to campus will probably put me back in work mode.  ...At least I hope.

Get my reunion with Nancy tomorrow too, so that is exciting!  I have a lot to talk to her about, both good and bad.

Roommate stuff still hasn't been resolved, as roommate B and I did not want to get into shit when roommates C and J got home from camping (which they went to despite all that was said) at around 10 or so.  Tomorrow, probably.  I want this shit resolved soon.  It is giving me anxiety and causing me to get up at stupid hours after little sleep, and that shit needs to stop.

Also I recently had a dream that I got a job in Cali and it was the only one I got and it was in ex's area and I just laughed and laughed and laughed and people thought I was insane.


(And I am pretty sure I have had that dream before, too.  Or at least something like that.)

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