I did not understand loops when I took computer science and had to do them in Java, and I do not understand them very well now while programming in Stata. This is incredibly frustrating, especially since I can code in Stata pretty well and I have become more familiar with the language, but loops remain something that stumps me, for some reason.
I'm sure to programmers, they are the easiest things, but I have a difficult time deciphering computer science code, truthfully. It was something that never clicked for me, as hard as I tried when I was taking it (well...at first, at least; frustration got the better of me in the end).
But due to loops being a kryptonite for me, my homework for maximum likelihood took way longer than I originally anticipated it would, which made it impossible to work on my comps paper after I got out of class this afternoon. Luckily, I did work on it earlier in the day, and I think my theory section is done (for this draft, anyway...I'm sure it will change again when profs read it). I just wanted to work on it more tonight because I promised adviser that I would give him a draft by the end of the week, which I originally had anticipated to be tomorrow sometime. I might need to wait until Saturday...though the portions I still need to do are focused on the model, so maybe if I need to, I can give him just the theory stuff for now.
Bah. I suck and I should have done this earlier and I am still sad with stupid nonacademic shit also on my mind so it is all just kind of snowballing.
Oh, and I didn't really eat a meal until 9:30 today, and even then it was only a few pizza rolls. That I guess goes hand-in-hand with work and sadness and stress. Especially since cooking has once again become a huge effort. I mean, I never really like it, but it has again dived down into the "I would rather be hungry than cook because cooking takes so much energy" area and that is a weird area to be in. I either not eat or I spend too much on takeout.
I already want the semester to be over. I want to go home.
Good news though: I was able to snag two tickets to the Say Anything concert in Jersey in November for friend and I. We were sad because the presale tickets sold out so quickly, and there was a fear that there wouldn't be anything else available. So I'm glad that our fears were not accurate, and that should be a good thing. So I have Streetlight and Hallowmas next month (if all goes according to plan) and then Say Anything in November.
I miss concerts.
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