Sunday, September 7, 2014

Again I took the pups to the park for around 2-3 hours today.  I had a terrible headache and thought maybe going outside for a while would help.  It didn't, really, but they had fun and have basically been sleeping soundly since, which is always a good thing.  I did manage to get my reading for Monday done, as well as three units of my online defensive driving course, which I need to do for insurance price reduction purposes.

Yesterday roommates had people over, but...I just did not want to really hang out with them.  I was sad, for no particular reason.  And I'm kind of sad now...again for no real reason.  I just am.

On my way back from the park I did start thinking about stupid shit.  Namely, the ex, and what would happen if we ever met again.  Not that I think we will.  It is just something that still pops into my head, and again, the situation always changes whenever I think about it.

Maybe I was thinking about him because of the whole "I can't even remember being in love" thing I was concerned about.  Despite my negative opinion and...reaction to him now, I can't imagine someone else igniting the emotional spark in me the way he was so quickly able to.  I'm barely interested in friends nowadays.

And then, I kick myself when I start imagining this person who will come into my life and help me feel that love again.  Because that person still takes on many of his characteristics and I hate that shit.

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