Saturday, September 20, 2014

Still sick, but actually forced myself to clean the living room and take the pups for their evening walk.  Figured the cold air might be good for me.  I think it was a little...or maybe I just really like cool evening walks.  Summer being pretty much over is kind of awesome for me.  Heat and I never got along, and so I - unlike most people I've spoken with about it - embrace the dropping temperatures.

A few more days until I leave for Wisconsin and I can't wait.  It will be good for me to be around best friend and around a girlfriend and just away from the department and from Binghamton in general.  This place sucks the life out of me, and it just exacerbates my already existing sadness and the like.

During times of sickness and while I am sad and lonely and stuff my mind sometimes gravitates towards cool wet shirts rolled up on my forehead.

It's stupid.  I'm stupid.

I should probably go pass out before any other stupid shit comes into my head.

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