Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"You can't possibly know everything, even if you think you have to."

Basically sums up my conversation with my parents.  Which actually did help me feel better about seemingly fucking up in class today.  That, and being reminded that I really have never been taught statistics; when we got to some calculus stuff, I was better at recognizing things.  My professor seems confused about my affection for calc, but I'd take it over stat any day.  Seriously.

I miss math sometimes.  Like, pure math.

Also talked with Anisha about stuff.  She agrees that it is really good and I'm very happy about it happening.

I'm going over my notes from today's class, and I might also go over some notes from last semester's stats class.  I really need to go through this more thoroughly.

I'm terrified of having to try to learn code again.  Sure, it is in R and Stata, so it's not like...C++ or Java or anything, but fuck I even sucked at Mathematica coding when I had to use it for fellows.  Which is why my partner ended up doing most of the coding.  And yes, I do want to learn how to program because it really is fascinating to me and a very useful skill, but I sucked so hardcore at computer science.  I don't know; it just didn't click for me.

Heading down to PA tomorrow for funeral for my cohort-mate.  It's actually on the way to Ursinus, and I'd be more tempted to stop down there if a good chunk of my cohort wasn't all going.

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