Friday, January 4, 2013

Sometimes I hate when I think about London, because I become sad about the fact that I have this feeling I'll never be able to go back there for an extended period of time.  Sure, I have plans on visiting, definitely, but at most it will probably only be around a week or two if I'm lucky.

I started looking at flights for spring/summer break, but they're so very expensive...

In my head, one of my ideal futures is getting a position as a professor over there when I'm finished over here, but that seems to be less and less likely.  If I major in American, I probably will never be able to get a position abroad.  If I major in comparative...there's more of a chance, but why would a U.K. institution take a comparativist from the U.S. when they probably have plenty of their own?  Plus, I was a little discouraged when I was talking with one of the older students; he said that it is best - regardless of some others' opinions - to have a country/area of study.  When I replied enthusiastically with the United Kingdom being that for me, he told me I needed to pick a non-English speaking country, or whatnot.  And that, with that, I need to learn a second language.

I do want to learn another language, so that wasn't so discouraging; what was was hearing that the area I want to study isn't...marketable enough.

Which I honestly don't understand; the U.K. is the country people seem to refer to the most especially when discussing parliamentary regimes.  Why wouldn't it be important to study in-depth?

Really...I just want to go back there.  Looking at pictures of it makes me incredibly sad.

My other ideal fantasy is getting a job at my undergrad institution, mostly because I like the area and how small it is.  But that's also probably not going to happen, unless I can convince them to change their department from politics to political science and add in some statistical analysis and game theory.  Which...could be an interesting discussion.  Maybe I'll try to start lobbying for it now; there is an alumni weekend in June I could go to.   Besides, it'd be nice to see professors at some point; I only got to see students on homecoming weekend.

But I really don't need to think about that right now.  It is only January, after all.

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