Wednesday, January 2, 2013

More Supernatural

The actual title of this entry should be "in which Allie fangirls a little over Death."

I rewatched the last few episodes of season 5 because my mom was watching, and I really hope we see Death more often in later seasons because...well let's just say in the first five seconds of his introductory scene (when I first watched it), I was very "holy fuck what a badass."  Watching it again produced the same feeling and reaction.

Plus, anyone who claims the overall insignificance of the main villain while also pretty much calling him a bratty child (while having the power to do so, basically, because of how old and universal and all-powerful he is) is going to be a bamf in my eyes.

I was trying to wait until my parents caught up to me to go on, but I might watch one or two episodes of season six tonight, maybe.  I'm really wondering how they can go on after this?  I mean, how can you top that ending?

I guess we'll see!  I want to catch up to what is on tv right now.

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