Thursday, January 31, 2013


Got back from PA not too long ago.  Not the best of trips, for the obvious reason.

His parents asked that we think of him when we go throughout this program, and for us to do great things because that is what he wanted and they also said he loved being in our program and that he loved surrounding himself with people like us.  I feel like I could have said more for them, but I ended up blanking in the worst of ways.  How can anything I say make anything like this better?  It can't.

It was very sad.  And almost surreal, honestly.  Like...I was not very close with him, but it is going to be weird not having him in class, reading things that the rest of us didn't get to and then teaching us all something new because of it.

I really can't believe it.

The drive back was quieter than the drive there.

This whole trip made me think some, as well.

I'm really exhausted.

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