Monday, January 21, 2013


Got back to Binghamton around 6; there was some traffic when I hit the city (as usual) and then somewhere else.  Plus the snow got pretty bad at some points, which forced me and others to drive slower and all.  All in all, though, that was really good timing considering the circumstances!

I was disappointed when I came back and noticed that the roommate was back already.  Ugh, and here I had been hoping for a few days by myself in the apartment.

Right before I was leaving, my mom started crying, and at first I did not really understand.  I've left before, and there were no tears, so I was confused.  It was only after I asked her and she told me that she worries about me and everything that it kind of hit me; with all that has been going on with me, the medication, the stress, the...everything, my parents have been a rock that I've been sometimes afraid to lean on.  And I've been worrying them with it all.

I'm sad without them around, right now.

I'm debating asking a friend to check something for me, since she would have the ability to do so.  But I wonder if that would highlight how not-okay I am with that thing I've been curious about, if it is true.

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