Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I really missed Carl and Brendan.  Seriously.  I couldn't have asked for better friends when I got to grad school.

We went to dinner and then came back and played Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 and ate snacks and just had a good time.  Tomorrow is arcade day followed by a movie night.  We're thinking either Taken 2, The Avengers, or The Room.  I'm going to invite guy to movie also, so hopefully he'll be free also!  Then I'll have been reunited with all three of my guys.

I'd give more details, but I'm very tired.  Helping a plump plumber try to get some cake by saving a princess from a giant spiked turtle is kind of exhausting.  Seriously.  Is there no bakery near you, Mario?  Why go through all that trouble?

Another theory is that Mario is just high as hell on mushrooms and is hallucinating something fierce.  I mean, jumping through paintings in a castle all to get some cake?  Seems like he's trippin', man.

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