Friday, January 25, 2013

Setting up three tvs with three different game systems going is the best idea and why didn't I suggest it sooner.  I'm a little sad I won't be able to repeat it tonight because roommate's brother is coming and I'm not about to be what I complain about: having people over when a guest from elsewhere is around.  No, plan tonight is maybe movies and then bar (I'll be the driver for everyone, since I cannot drink really anyway).  I really hope movies definitely happens.

Was given reading assignments for two of my classes; my plan is to try and do all of the American government readings for Monday today; they don't look very long, but page lengths can be deceiving, what with small fonts and multiple columns and everything.  Still though!

I want to go to the arcade again tomorrow maybe.  And I want to find more music.  Brand New and Passion Pit just...didn't really do it for me, I don't think.  I'll have to continue looking around.

Brendan really likes Portal.  I'm pleased with this.

[Edit] - I hate having involuntary physical reactions.  Saw something had been deleted (which made sense to get rid of, and which I said I wanted deleted when I last looked at it), and didn't feel so good.  Probably because I remember the joy and love I felt when I first saw it, and the message it conveyed.  Why I even look anymore, I really do not know.

I really don't know.

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