Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saw Movie 43 last night; it was horrible.  Don't see it.  It was a barrage of stupid jokes and skits and we all were sitting there trying to figure out what the hell we were watching.  It's a shame, because the cast was full of really great actors.  Oh well.  

We headed to our bar afterwards, where one of the bartenders recognized us, despite a month's absence.  That made us far too happy.  I didn't drink anything, because of the obvious reason.  Everything was okay until the other two got on the Israel-Iran conflict; that topic is always dangerous territory.  And while I expect the discussion of such a thing, especially due to my area of study, it sometimes gets awkward when your friends are arguing (especially when one of them is very passionate and starts yelling louder with more beer and everything).  At one point I tried to switch the topic, by saying that I wanted ice cream (which was true, even though it was a very bad attempt at a subject change).  

Eventually though, things were calmed, and at it got later, the bar became more crowded.  Which we don't really like.  That's our regular bar, and we usually go when there are not a lot of people in there and it is a slightly older crowd, so we're not huge fans when it gets insane.  So we left and went over to a club, which was practically empty.  But, it had a really nice downstairs lounge area, so we stayed there and continued discussions.

At one point, I was told that - after I said that my usually-depressed state after way too much drinking embarrasses me - I shouldn't be embarrassed, and that I could share anything if I wanted.  That it would not make them think any less of me and that they would stick by me, because they're my friends.

That made me really happy. 

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