Sunday, January 6, 2013

I bought The Room on dvd last night and I'm far too excited for it to show up at my door on Wednesday.  I'll wait until I get back to watch it, though.  It'll be a fun time, having a screening of that with friends and all.

Hung around with Danny this weekend, which was an awesome time.  Plus, he validated some of my feelings and...honestly that is always good for me to hear, since I constantly question myself and the emotions and how I should take everything, and all.  I miss him throughout the year when I don't get to see him or talk to him as much as I want.

He's been playing Halo 4, which fuels my desire to get it and to play in on Live and everything.  I haven't played anything really in a while (with the exception of Portal 2 for a little with my dad), and I really do want to.  It's really just that even playing a game is more work than I've been in the mood to do.  Really...sad, on my part.  Maybe if I get through all of Supernatural, then I'll be more in the mood.  (But by the time that happens, I'll probably have to go back to school, and we all know what that means.)

I've still yet to call my doctor/counselor about stuff, but I'll have to do that tomorrow.  I've been putting it off because I don't like talking about it, but I really need to get things taken care of as soon as possible.

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