Thursday, January 24, 2013


So the arcade/game store was incredible.

It had a bunch of everything, really.  Old school games and systems all the way up to the new stuff.  I really was tempted to buy something, like an NES or Sega Genesis.  There was a huge library of every system's games, as well as accessories and the like.  I actually asked if they sold fightsticks there because I won't lie, I'm slightly interested in getting one.  They said they sometimes do.  I know there are special tournament editions and everything and that those are better but since I'd be playing recreationally/beginner level, essentially, I wouldn't need a super high-class fightstick to start with.

The arcade had a fuckton of games, and since we went in the middle of the day, we were the only ones there for a while.  I spent some time on Marvel v. Capcom, trying to figure out exactly how everything worked.  If I don't have a fightstick and want to get better at fighters, then I'll just have to practice there, I suppose.  And since all the games only cost 25 cents to play, it would be perfect, really.  It would be really awesome to get into playing arcade games and try to get better at games overall again.  We all expressed that trips there should be weekly, at least.

After, went to Denny's (missed that place), and then we came back, and played some Super Mario 64 while waiting for guy to show up.  After he got here, we watched The Avengers and then Taken 2.  Much joy over Liam Neeson kicking ass was shared among the four of us.

If only all days could be like this one!

[Edit] - Oh, and guy said that he was with a friend of his who is a poli sci major who just graduated in December.  He asked her if she knew me, and then I was described as tall (which...I am not, so I have no idea; I'm average at best), who always hangs out with two guys - one with a beard, and a pretty boy.

The fact that we are a trio has become ingrained, even in the minds of undergrads.  I love it.

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