Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mac vs. PC

So my dad and I went to lunch, and we were talking about the whole "iphone vs. android" and "mac vs. pc" thing and everything.  I'm firmly in the android/pc camp, but I realized a lot of times my answer for why is more of a " friends in comp sci all unanimously say that android and pc is better SO THERE" and I don't really know the finer differences between the two.  Besides that, for me, they can do the same shit but I'll get a great pc for half the price a low-end mac would cost.


My bias towards computer scientists shows; kinda take their word for everything.

Maybe I should go back to that website to try and teach myself programming.  I stopped because my own workload got to be a little too much, but it remains a skill I wish I had.  Unfortunately, programming was incredibly difficult for me to grasp.

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