Monday, January 7, 2013

Had a talk with my mom about stuff, though left out some details that I leave out for practically everyone.  Both of my parents know that I'll be getting medication, though I don't think they understand that I feel like I actually do need it and everything.  But regardless, they're on board, so to say.

Speaking of, talked with both my counselor and my doctor, so I think everything should be straightened out by tomorrow and all.

I think I ate too much, even though I didn't really eat a great amount.  But still.

On season 7 of Supernatural.  Didn't like season 6 as much as 4 or 5, but still really enjoyed it.  It's hard to top all those angels and demons and everything in those two seasons.  Especially the angels.  Fuck, do I love them.  Even if most of them are asshats.

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