Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I think I need to go to Wellness today or something.

I'm still having coughing fits and still stuffy and my gums are like...swollen around one of my wisdom teeth and fuck it hurts.  I know I probably should have had it pulled, but.  Oh well.  I don't know if anyone there will know about dentistry but maybe they can look at it anyway.

The tooth thing is super frustrating because I just went to the dentist over my break.  He had made a comment about the one being impacted, but he didn't think it was that bad then, and it wasn't nearly as bad now.  It has just gotten very swollen, making me think something might have become infected or something.  I don't know.  I really don't want to have to deal with this until I can head back to my own dentist on the Island, and I'm not entirely sure if they'd take my insurance up here since it is based on the Island.  But on the other hand, if they go "THAT SHIT NEEDS TO BE PULLED," I can't really do that right now either.  I have too many assignments to do.  There is no way I'll be able to do them if I have to get stuff pulled and then am incapacitated for a while because of medication and pain.


As much as I try to put off going to Wellness and stuff like that, I think I'll try to go today.  Just to see if maybe they can give me something stronger than I've been taking.  That makes me sound like I'm an addict, going in solely for drugs.  But I really don't care.

[Edit] - Went and got some Penicillin.  Aw yeah medication.

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