Monday, December 10, 2012


So, when I'm incredibly tired due to a lack of sleep, I begin to fantasize about near-impossible situations, and these provide far too much of a distraction from any work getting done.  Although I am almost finished with one of the books for Wednesday, I really do need to figure out some data or do some sort of research for my paper on the filibuster that is due on Thursday.  That, or figure out a response paper for Wednesday.  As of now, though, I have nothing for that.  I'll have to rely on the other book, or hope some flash of brilliance hits me at some point. 

But fantasizing about becoming best friends with the singer of my favourite band is not going to get any of this work done.  I don't even know why I started thinking about that, but the scenario I have sleepily pictured in my mind is really cool. 

Man, I really do want to see them again.

I am so fucking tired. 

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