Sunday, December 16, 2012


No more towers of Long Island during a stressful time.


Because after not drinking for a while, I decide to pound drinks back after not eating for 9 hours or so, without water.  And then I start throwing up at a bar and acting like a fucking idiot.

Act like that in front of the guy I kinda sorta like?  Yeah, real fucking smart idea, Allison.

Also, when I leave said bar with my friends, something hits me, and I start hysterically crying in the street.  This doesn't stop even after we get up to one of said friend's apartment, where I throw up some more, and reveal to them pretty much fucking everything that goes on inside my head.


I just.

The fact that I have friends who are very supportive of me and hugged me close while I revealed all this is amazing, and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

The fact that I got drunk and spilled everything and put all that burden on them is awful, and I partially hate myself more for it.

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