Saturday, December 8, 2012

I'm feeling sad.

That's normal, but I wanted to write about something other than Waltz for two seconds or so.

I might stop tonight with this paper.  I just.  I can't concentrate.  I'm not feeling up to doing any more of it.  Maybe I'll just read for Wednesday, or something.  As awfully low as my work ethic is right now, I should try to do something, because I really don't have time to be feeling like this and allowing myself to do nothing. I can pick up with the paper tomorrow.  I will have to hope that I'll be more in work-mode than I was today, because writing about two and a half pages for the entire day is abysmal.

Even at the party, I felt sad.  Socializing didn't help me, either.

What I really want to do is sleep.  For a very very long time.

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