Saturday, December 1, 2012


Because I'm SUPER HARDCORE (aka: kind of a moron), I decided to have drinks last night despite the fact I've been medicating myself heavily for the past week.  I rationalized that it was only Advil and stuff and that I would be fine.  So I went out and limited myself to two drinks, thinking that wasn't going to kill me.

Well...I was right about it not killing me but I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and quickly ran to the bathroom to throw up all the contents I consumed that evening.  It was kind of disgusting.  I assume that it was because of the combinations of meds plus alcohol.  I could be wrong, but it makes sense.

Sad thing is that I want to go out tonight also and still have drinks.  Allie does not learn.  Or she just enjoys drinking a little too much.

Speaking of, McKenna is visiting this weekend!  She's here right now, still kind of sleeping and stuff.  I have plans to take her to Lost Dog Cafe for lunch, and then we'll see Wreck-It-Ralph.  I'm not entirely sure what we'll do after that, but we'll figure it out.

The guy is in a play that the town is doing - A Christmas Carol, stereotypically yet wonderfully - and I want to go see him.  I'll have to ask when the showtimes are this week!

Somehow, I was able to write an entire response paper somewhat quickly yesterday for my IR class.  I think it was because it was one of those rare times when I had a response in my head while I was reading the book, and did not need to spend hours trying to come up with an idea.  Now I just need to write one more for that, and one more for Comparative, and the small assignments for the year will be finished.  Which means I could then focus on the big stuff.  The final papers and everything.

I really can't wait until the end of the semester.  I just want a month to relax, and have nothing to do.

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