Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Today was awesome.  A nice break from all the work and shit that has been going down.

I woke up around one, appropriately, since I spent 14 hours working yesterday and did not get to sleep until five in the morning.  I started cleaning everything so that by the time four or five rolled around and friends got here, things would look nice (though I once again found myself in a situation where things hadn't been cleaned in a while, which angered me, but I'll get to that in a bit).

Carl and Brendan showed up around 4:30, and we headed out to Target to acquire things.  Things like food...but mostly candy.  Oh a lot of candy and stuff was gathered.  I also bought Wii points so that I could download Super Mario 64 on my system.  A great idea, that was.  We also stopped by the liquour store and they each bought a bottle of wine.  I stayed away from the alcohol, for obvious reasons.

We played video games for a long time, actually.  First Mario 64, and then some Brawl, and then Mario Kart.  While I schooled in the first two, I was destroyed in the third.  My god, I am all sorts of awful at Mario Kart.

Then, guy came over also.  We watched Taken, which was, as always, wonderful.  Lots of ice cream and food were consumed, and all was glorious.  We started watching The Grey, but people ended up having to leave.  Carl and Brendan headed out first, and then guy left a few minutes after.  It was nice being able to hang with him by myself for at least a little, as much as I love all of us hanging out together!  Though I immediately was able to tell that I became a little more on-edge when it was just the two of us.  Which was good; a physical involuntary reaction like that means I really do have a thing for him, and I'm not just...convincing myself that I do, if that makes sense.

He said he'd like to come over maybe tomorrow or something and hang out again.  I'm excited about that, honestly.  I still don't know about possible reciprocated feelings, but I'm too much of a wimp to try anything myself.  Like...idk I want to ask him or anything, but I'm really awkward and I ramble a lot when I get nervous about that stuff and yeah.  In short, I have no idea what I'm doing.  I never do.

I think I might come back up for New Years.  I'll have to talk to him and see what he is up to and if maybe he'd be available to hang out, or something.

Now, something that kind of angered me after all this awesome.  I decided I wanted to start seeing all the bills.  So all the ones that are not in my name, I still want to see, because I still need to pay them.  So I told roommate that I wanted to start seeing them.  He didn't seem to understand, but complied, though only gave me the gas bills.  I said I also wanted to see the internet bill, and he replied it was online; I said I still wanted to see it.  So he forwarded it to me, but remarked that next time he'd "appreciate it" if I "asked more politely."  Now, to be fair, I didn't ask politely at all, because fuck politeness when dealing with him anymore.  So, knowing that if I were to say anything immediately to that, I would explode, I seethed for a little bit in my room.  When I finally figured that I'd be able to say something in response, I remarked how I wanted a chore wheel for next semester because I'm tired of cleaning the entire apartment all the time and the reason why I'm not polite is because I'm incredibly annoyed with him for reasons such as that.  I then muttered under my breath (which he may or may not have heard, I'm not entirely sure, nor do I care) that he doesn't deserve my "politeness" because he doesn't do fucking anything and I'm tired of doing everything around the house.

What did please me was that when I told Brendan this, he remarked that he is an ass and a crazy person who doesn't have any clue as to the fact that he's a dick.  He also said that maybe with all the inconsiderate stuff he does that I point out, the less he can pretend to be anything other than a huge fucking asshole.  I'm not as optimistic; people like my roommate tend to be very "oh I never do anything wrong ever it is everyone around me who suck!"  When in reality, the reason why people can't fucking stand you, is because you are a pompous lazy waste of space.

But other than that confrontation, this was an awesome day.  I still need to grade some papers, finalize grades, and finish one final, but all of this pales in comparison to what I've already done, so I'll be okay.

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