Thursday, December 6, 2012


I put this into my phone, but I am also going to write down this list of all the stuff I need to do, and the due dates:

- Reaction Paper for World (12/10)
- Waltz Paper for World (12/10)
- Readings for World (12/10)
- Final discussion class lesson plan/quiz for comparative intro (12/10 and 12/12)
         * Need to speak with the other TAs about what we are doing with the final week.
- Homework 4 for Research Methods (12/11)
- Reaction Paper for Comparative (12/12)
- Readings for Comparative (12/12)
- Research Paper for Methods (12/13)
- Grade comparative intro tests (12/14)
- World Final (12/17)
- Comparative Final (12/18)
- Methods Final (12/21)
- Grade comparative intro final essays (12/21)

Man.  I am so fucked.  Especially since I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating and everything with being sick and sad lately.

I'll try to suck it up as much as I can.  I was told that I shouldn't feel bad if I end up needing to ask for extra time, I really hate doing that.  I really, really do.

[Edit] - Downloaded another World/Inferno album that I was missing.  Already a little happier, aha.  Why are they so good.  (Though the timing in which I fell for them is darkly hilarious to me.)

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