Saturday, December 8, 2012

TA Assignment

Oh, I forgot to say this: I received my TA assignment for next semester.  As I suspected, the intro to American government class.  Which I was very happy with.  Though I became ecstatic when I saw that I am not TA-ing the same course as my roommate.

Seriously.  I did a fucking dance of joy.

Only thing: as of now, I'm the only American TA for this class.  Which is fine, because the other three are awesome, but I'll be the only one going in with extensive background knowledge on the subject.  When one of the others heard this, he remarked how that would probably mean I'll be the head TA, considering we're all first years, so there is no seniority.  My response was an immediate "...fuck."

Head TAs seem to do substantially more work than the rest of us.  The head TA for comparative is awesome but she formats all the tests and organizes all the meetings and everything like that.  It is all extra work that I really didn't want, but if that is what ends up happening, then so be it, I suppose.

It definitely will be more bearable now that my roommate is not a TA for the same class.  Goddamn, it'll be amazing, actually.

Downloaded another World/Inferno album, also.  It makes me want to see them again.  I'll be looking out for their 2013 tour schedule.  I'd also like to see Streetlight at some point soon, if I can.  I'd go to the show they're having in Allentown, but it is smack in the middle of finals and everything, so I really can't afford to spend the time going over there, unfortunately.  I'll just have to be patient and wait!  

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