Sunday, December 2, 2012


So although I didn't get a lot of work done this weekend because of McKenna's visit, it was well worth it.  We had tons of fun.  Yesterday after lunch and before the movie, she showed me two episodes of Supernatural, which I really want to watch more of.  But I don't want to get too into any new shows until after all my assignments are finished.

Last night I hosted a showing of The Room - Brendan and Carl had never seen it.  We played a drinking game but didn't get too crazy.  They both loved it (as they should have, because that movie is hilarious).  We want to see if we can go to an actual screening of it at some point, which looks like it could be crazy amounts of fun.  I invited guy over to watch but something happened with his phone; he did show up around midnight, and we all just hung out and talked and had a good time!  He was impressed by my alcohol collection, which makes me appear as though I drink way more than I actually do.  Originally we were going to play Mario Kart 64 on my Wii, but we only got through two matches before guy showed up and we got distracted.  It was really fun though!  And I promised my friends that we'll play again at some point.

I'm glad I had people over.  I've been told that I need to claim my space in the apartment, and I'm pretty sure I did that yesterday.

Drove McKenna back earlier, and got back not too long ago.  On my agenda for today is grading the rest of the Monday class' essays, read the book I was supposed to have read for last week, and maybe write another reaction paper for World.  I don't know if I'm going to get all of that done, and I'm sure I am missing something important on that list, but I'll think of it later.

I've been sleeping with Dewott instead of Wolfy lately.  Doing that on purpose.

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