Wednesday, December 12, 2012


As much as I hate asking for them, I ended up requesting an extension for my filibuster paper, because I just have not been able to think about it until today, and I still need to run the t-test/regression on the data which I'm not even sure is correct, plus figure out the lit. review part and everything else.  I asked for the weekend, because even though I'll be getting another final to do on Friday, I like to think it will not take me all weekend.  Actually, having both assignments will force me to not obsess over just one, and allocate my time accordingly.

In theory, anyway.

I'm still going to do as much as I can tonight, and if I can, I will try to finish it, but I seriously doubt that I'll be able to do that and make it somewhat decent.

Really, I do hate asking for extensions, though.  I was told that I need to think of this as a special circumstance; it isn't just all the work, but it is all the work and all the personal stuff that I'm trying to deal with that maybe other people are not.

The medication talk was brought up briefly again.  It's something I'll need to discuss further.

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